The Blog
From caregiver education to navigating life transitions and retirement, our blog has a wealth of information to help you move forward and revitalize your life.Why Do I Need To Plan For Retirement?
Retirement can be a difficult transition for many people. While they may have planned financially for it, they may not have considered the non-financial aspects of retirement such as what to do with their time and how to maintain a sense of purpose and identity.
5 Ways Self-Care Impacts Your Mental Health As A Senior
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. In fact, the mind and body are so connected that when your mental health suffers, it isn’t uncommon to manifest symptoms in the form of sickness and...
6 Tips to Navigate Your Relationship With Your Adult Children in Retirement
Your relationship with your children evolves in each phase of life, including retirement. Here are some tips to help you navigate this transition. Acknowledge Your Identity - With retirement can come a redefining of your identity. Relationship lines can become blurred...
Getting Through Grief
Loss is part of the natural cycle of life. When you lose someone close to you, the space they leave behind can seem palpable. The realization that they are gone can be hard to face and you may want to curl up in a ball and hide. It’s important to know we shouldn’t...
Your Mind Matters
At some point, the worry of losing your memory may have crossed your mind. The brain is a complex thing, many different things are happening all at once. It isn’t uncommon to forget a name or not be able to recall why you just opened the fridge. According to Cynthia...
Get The Most For Less
Many worry about the quality of life after retirement. Especially when it comes to the amount of money in the bank. There are plenty of ways to live comfortably and save money post retirement. I’ve compiled a list below. Take advantage of free entertainment -...
Fit After 50
Physical Fitness: Once you are retired it is even more important to keep your body in motion. Nothing keeps you mobile, healthy, and happy better than a bit of exercise. Something as simple as taking a walk daily can help prevent painful arthritis symptoms, achy...
Marriage After Retirement
The dynamic of your relationship may change in retirement. While you were working you may have been living parallel to your partner, thus making it difficult to live in concert. This may be especially true if both of you are now retired. Or perhaps you are still...
Redefine Your Routine & Relationships
You’ve taken the plunge and retired. Congratulations! The realization hits you, you’ve got more time on your hands than you know what to do with. In the beginning, you may welcome having no obligations and extra time to lounge around; however, as time goes on you may...
Defining The New You
Challenges of defining the new you as you evolve in retirement. When you think of retirement you may think only of “the new”. New hobbies, new friends, even new destinations may come to mind. One thing to keep at the forefront is this perfect opportunity for...