What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

My last blog post covered one of the 4 Pillars of the New Retirement, Health. Today, I want to take a deep dive into what good health means because I am sure you’d have as many opinions as the people you asked. Going back through the Edward Jones and Age Wave poll, I...
A Pillar of Health

A Pillar of Health

This is the first in a series of posts about the Four Pillars of the New Retirement I want to help you kick off your year by creating the goals to help you achieve the retirement of your dreams. Ninety-nine percent of retirees over the age of 75 say that health is...
The 4 Pillars of the New Retirement

The 4 Pillars of the New Retirement

Happy New Year! I usually don’t suggest starting the new year with a pop quiz but I’m confident you are a pretty savvy bunch. Plus its only two questions. Ready? How well are you acquainted with the 4 Pillars of the New Retirement? Can you list them? Set your...